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Main » Files » Rossi Armory

Sonic Calculator
[ ] 2008-02-27, 2:26 PM
This calculator is not exactly sonic but it is powerful. The name 'Sonic Calculator' comes from Jammarama's obsession with the British TV Series, Doctor Who. As The Doctor has a sonic screwdriver, Captain Jack Harkness has a sonic blaster and Sarah Jane Smith has a sonic lipstick, Jammarama thought of having his own sonic device and so he designed and built the sonic calculator. A calculator was modified by Jammarama and is now a multi-purpose launcher which fires BB Bullets, rubber/plastic pellets etc . Most of the components were taken out and a hole was burnt on the top and bottom. This is known as the Sonic Calculator v1.0. Unfortunately it got destroyed is and it's now disabled.

Improved Versions and Upgrades

Since the destruction of v1.0, Jammarama has inspired many of our comrades including WebieJames of Team Alpha Ross to design and build improved versions of the Sonic Calculator. CARBUNCLES gave WebieJames the blueprints for the original v1.0 calculator so WebieJames then rebuilt the Sonic Calculator, calling it v1.1. WebieJames eventually designed the v1.5. It was made using a different calculator with a flip cover which was used for ammo utilities. 

This year (2010) Cobra!, co-founder of Virtua Ross, has found a broken calculator in the horrorground in govan hell as well as a pencil and a pen, he said he's gonna make another modified calculator out of these, no blueprints have been made as of yet, but we shall expect one soon...
Category: Rossi Armory | Added by: Rossi_Command
Views: 1140 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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