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Main » Files » Locations

Stormy Govan
[ ] 2008-02-27, 2:13 PM
Stormy Govan is an area in Glasgow, Scotland under complete control of the alien race known as the krunkanites. The sun never shines in Stormy Govan. The only thing that does is the light from the krunkanites' cigarettes. The skys are heavily poluted with petrol fumes and cigarette smoke . Electricity is given by the lightning bolts that strike the ground. Some people have even said that Stormy Govan is actually a small part of Krunkia which has ended up on Earth.
In the heart of Stormy Govan is school known to the public as Govan Hell. Govan Hell is not actually a school, but it's actually the headquarters of the krunkanite group known as the 'Mainstreamers'. It is near impossible to penetrate this krunkarian fortress since the areas of Stormy Govan are completely crawling with armed krunkanites.
Category: Locations | Added by: Rossi_Command
Views: 1127 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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