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Rossies Retro Taskforce
[ ] 2010-06-13, 1:02 PM
The Rossies Retro Taskforce (abreviated as RRTF and commonly shortened to 'the Rossies') are an global organization set up to investigate and combat paranormal and extraterrestrial threats on Earth, with the use of older technology, and equipment made from modified technology and spare parts. General McKenzie is currently the main General in charge of the Rossies Retro Taskforce.

      The official logo of the Rossies Retro Taskforce


The Rossies Retro Taskforce have been around for as long as the early 17th century where they dealt with occasional extraterrestrial incidents, including an attempt to destroy the chemical monster. Since they were founded, the RRTF were aware of alien activity on Earth. The RRTF set up bases worldwide and discovered that aliens were the occasional krunkanite which landed on Earth in crashed UFOs. At a much later time period in 1989, the RRTF set up their command base in Glasgow, Scotland where krunkanite activity was on the increase. In 1997, the Rossies command base was under attack by a gang of krunkanites. The RRTF successfully defended their command base from the invading krunkanites which resulted in the 'birth of the pyx'. In 2002, General McKenzie become the leader in charge of the Rossies Retro Taskforce.

The 6 Teams

Members of the Rossies Retro Taskforce in Rossi Command and associated areas are assigned to 6 teams, each which have a certain role in the organization. Below are descriptions of the teams, including it's members and their roles.

Team Alpha Ross

Team Alpha Ross is where the most loyal and highest ranking members of the Rossies Retro Taskforce are assigned to. The commander of this team, along with the whole of the RRTF is General McKenzie. His co-commanders are trusted enough to take General McKenzie's place when he is currently absent from the Rossies. This team and in complete control of the Rossies Retro Taskforce.

Team Beta Ross

In the command of StrykerH2, team Beta Ross are the engineering team of the Rossies Retro Taskforce. This team are responsible for most of the weapons and equipment being designed at the RRTF.

Team Fire Ross

This team were once a group known as the F.T.V.S. before they joined the RRTF as team Fire Ross to get revenge on the Grey Moth who had hypnotized their most loyal member. Team Fire Ross, in the command of Infernox12, are the special ops team who operate in undercover missions. They also deploy traps, weapons and equipment during undercover operations.

Team Crystal Ross

Team Crystal were a group on the same side as the F.T.V.S before they joined the Rossies Retro Taskforce along with them. In the command of LX-1824, team Crystal Ross are responsible for security and defence in the RRTF. They are deployed when they are required to defend an area from intruders. This team also stands by for support and assists the Rossies during a battle.

Team Virtua Ross

In the command of CARBUNCLES! and co-commander Cobra!, team Virtua Ross are responsible for inteligence gathering at the RRTF. This team observes and reports findings of extraterristrial activity as well as being experts on plans and ideas.

Team ARC Ross

In the Command of WebieJames and co-commander Dr. Clearwater, team ARC Ross is the science and research team of the RRTF. They are also the largest and most productive team of the RRTF. This team has a division known as ARC Ross Chemical Developments who develop chemical weapons for the RRTF.

ARC Ross Chemical Developments

ARC Ross Chemical Developments are a division of team ARC Ross founded and directed by Tox. They handle hazardous chemicals and manufacture chemical weapons for the RRTF. Their most known product is the KRC (Krunkanite Repelling Candy) which can be used to repel krunkanites in it's radius.


In 2007, team Virtua Ross created a website for the RRTF. It was first called 'Rossi Central' before it was shortly changed to 'Rossi Network'. It was first used to discuss Rossi operations and was eventially used to display Rossi files (such as the one you are currently viewing) and news articles on Rossies-related topics.
Category: Organizations | Added by: Rossi_Command
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