This site is pretty much abandoned now, I'm guessing, after all the events that happened on it, I don't blame anyone. Just to let youse know, I've started to make Rossies 2 as well, and plan on making a Rossies 3D afterwards, and they will be released on PC-CD/DVD, Steam, Desura and Xbox Live, the reason I'm saying this is because I'm scared Ross, or any other Rossi member wouldn't approve of the idea, I don't know, I guess if someone took an old franchise of mine, sold it and made money off it, I'd be p*ssed off as well, rest assured, I'm not doing it for the money.
The reason I'm posting this is because I would want approval to do this, or even come into contact with the general, who knows? I guess since I was Rossi member, I'd be okay, but I'm playing it safe. Do youse approve of the idea? Can I talk to Ross about it?
I highly doubt this will get a reply, but it wouldn't kill to try, right?
OK, well the whole "hulutube" thing didn't happen, but all thanks to Google, YouTube has been full of fail lately. Google have managed to f**k up YouTube in many other ways. For a start, they keep changing stuff about on Youtube and making it suck more. Why change the site when everyone liked it the way it was? They keep changing the layout all the time. They change the layout everyone liked to one that sucks. I can't believe they got rid of the big yellow subscribe button at the top of the page, wasn't that one of YouTube's trademarks? And the new page they removed the 5 star rating system and raplaced it with like/dislike. Yeah well i dislike the new layout. Seriously, the new design sucks. Theres another thing that really pissed me off. I keep going on Youtube only to get a message reading "Http/1.1 Service Unavailable". This happens like every day i go on the site. I really hope this is all an April Fools joke because me, my fellow rossi comrades and everyone else are pissed off at what Google is doing to our favorite video site. Google, stop messing around with Youtube, and change it back the way everyone liked it!
People keep telling me that YouTube is going to become Hulu tube. If this is true well they are going too far. Youtube is pissing me off whith their stupid copright and that they don't allow me to watch certan videos cause i'm not american. YOUTUBE IS BEING RACIST NOW!!!! Also they keep adding features to the site like HD mode. WHATS THE POINT IF YOUR PC DOESN'T SUPPORT HD!!! besides HD lags like hell on any PC i tryed it on. Another is the beta channel design, which f**king sucks! With the old design you could costomise your channel anyway you want. friends section left or right, channel comments up or down, add or remove sections and add your own background. But with the beta design you can't and besides the videos and different colors every channel looks the same. But why make a new youtube design when everyone likes it the way it already is? Well youtube started with little changes but now they are changing the big things.they are updating the channels because they want that every single little channel looking the same but Partners will have full ability to design their channel into something special so that people who are not that experienced with Youtube will see whos the little guy and the big guy. YOUTUBE ARE JUST RETARDED!!!!
About hulutube, well hulu is going to turn Youtube into a video site for TV shows and commercials. I actually wen't onto hulu site it's self and tryed to watch a video and GUESS WHAT!!! THE VIDEOS ARE FOR U.S. ONLY!!! so i can't watch any of their videos cause i'm not american. AGAIN!!! So i bet the same will happen to Hulu Tube. Also thier will be a tab called 'videos' which will consist of the youtube site so all of Youtube will be stuck in the last tab, videos as an after thought. And there doing this to introduce bigger companies like Disney, who want all the credit. This will be the final change Youtube will make to make the smaller Youtube users almost invisible.
Some people on YouTube said they are leaving youtube and going to dailymotion. If you are pissed off by hulutube and want to move to dailymotion, here's the link to the site:
I'm not used to this site and I barely go on it as i still prefare Youtube. But it's better as they allow 20 minutes of video instead of just 10 and they don't have that stupid copyright policy.
Anyway i'm really mad at youtube for doing this. I wish they just keep youtube the way it was back in 2006 i liked it that way.
And here's a video about what's happening with Hulu Tube:
The PS3 is just a giant nuclear toaster that uses 10 times more power than a Wii. And how is it powerful? It takes 5 whole minutes to load Call of Duty 4 and longer for Metal Gear Solid 4. And the PS2 games lag on it. But people still say it's the most powerful console ever built and now these people (who obviously don't care about the environment) are building a supercomputer using a bunch of PS3s. How stupid, think about how much energy that is. Even worse is the weight of them. How are the racks strong enough to hold 8 PS3s at a time? Bet they are made of a metal none of us have ever heard of. The earth is unbalanced but don't panic. You won't feel a thing. It will soon topple on it's side and the unfeasibly huge PS3s will drop of Earth's surface and land at the bottom of space (if it has a bottom). Earth will then return to normal position...
Beause Of Mrs.I-want-everything-to-be-perfect, I was forced to censor it, but it was pointless, really, for example "I pumped yer ma!" The Word "Pumped" Was Replaceing a Swear Word, and the "Have You Got A Big/How Big Is Your P*nis" As You can clearly see, the word is censored, I even had to block out the replacing words, I hope, mrs.4babies, as I'm gonna call her now, is not gonna turn me into a game making version of 4kids, oh please gaming god no!
Besides, Eveyone Liked It The Way it Was, The Fact that the replacing word was funny, and now that that's blocked out, it's bullsh*t I know, but I gotta be more baby friendly as I'm assuming what mrs.4babies is trying to say ¬_¬
This Version Is For The Porpose Of Plaing in Hell Only, I'll Re-Realease The Origonal Version
I Used the origonal File for Version 2, Which Got Corrupted, and Now I Found Out That The Page For The Game Has Been Deleted, Why? Now I Can't Work On It Anymore, I'm Really Gonna Have To Cancel it, It's Not My Fault, I Don't Know Who's Fault It Is, I Spent F*cking Months On It, You Can F*cking Forget Doing All That Again.
Well, Y'now The Rossies Game Version 2 I was making, Well, That File Got Currupt, Yeah... I'm Gonna Have To Do All That Work Again >.< So The Rossies Game Realease Will Have To Be Puched Very Far Ahead, I Don't Even Know How The F*ck It Even happened, I Only Needed the New Background and the Mainstreamer Girl Sprite, and That'll be It Completed, I'm Really Gonna Explode Of Anger In a Minute.
I've Uncancelled the Rossies 3D Project, Because Carbuncles actually like the Final State (I'll Just Rename It Another Beta Soon) And I Might Make an RC Rampage Game Using The Same, using The Same Style of Game as Rossie 3d, Only It Will Be In an Arena Where You Smash Up Other Cars, And I'll Add Walls Too, If I Can, And I'll probably Do it In The Rossies Game At Some Point As Well...
Cobra! always said the song Mercy sing by Dafty was a rip-off of one of the songs in Crash Bandicoot and I believe he was right. I googled "Duffy Mercy Crash Bandicoot" and i found some people complaining that the song sounds a lot like a level in Crash Bandicoot. Looks like Cobra! isn't the only one and he is right.
Here's a few comments i found from some forums complaining about the rip-off and the horrible singing...
AngelRasmus said: "argggggggggghhhh! fucking irritating song and an incredibly obnoxious
voice. also, this song sounds uncannily like the music for a Crash
Bandicoot level, The Generator Room!!!!"
Aileen said: "It is soooooo the music from Crash Bandicoot!!!!"
and a lot of results said "Mercy Duffy "Mind over mutant" Crash Bandicoot"
So by the looks of it, Mercy really is a rip-off from a Crash Bandicoot. People seriously have no imagination these days.
I Tried To Type This Before, But I Accedently Deleted The Window *big facepalm* So Let's Just Get This Over With Final State Version of The Rossies Game:
Rossies Version 2 Is not cancelled though They Will be Much More Changes Now, But I'm Not Bothered To List Them Right Now
I Have Realease a Very Quick Project, It Only Took 10 Minutes To Make:
To Play This Properly, You Would Need To Download It
Guess what rossi comrades, they actualy made a game on the the wii wii where you put the wii remote between your legs and pii on the cats that pop out the toilet. Man, those krunkenites really piss me off. Anyway here's a video of game if you hate the sight of plastic private parts DONT WATCH IT....