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Main » 2008»May»6 » Operation W.E.B.N.O.N.S.E.N.S.E Update: SOMETHING WORSE THAN WEBNONSENSE
8:01 PM
THE SCHOOL THAT IM IN IS USING SOMETHING worse than webnonsense!!!! it blocks just everything!!! even if you type "we hate apple macs" its gonna block it because of "hate and discrimination"!!! and if you type "macs suck" its gonna block the site because of "pornography/adult content"!!!! how stupid is that? it blocks the sites by looking at the adress, it will tell everything...
what I would do to all school computers: (BECAUSE THEURE OLD AND HAVE STUPID BLOCKING PROGRAMS!!!)
The super old one: The row of 5: one two three four FIVE! and the one thats slightly better than other ones and will less blocking :nocom.... WAIT A MINUTE, i like that one..
i probably sound like a n3wb for asking, but I have to. Does anyone know a way to escape the gaping maws of websense? Proxies work, but the more visits the site receives, the higher priority they are on the websense database, and consequently some fat moderator, with lasts night's fried chicken stuck between his double chins, blocks the site.(That is not my impression of this forum's moderators, just to be clear). They have done a wonderfully infuriating job of blocking nearly all proxies. i happen to find new ones every once in a while that work, but then they don't. They block all the .com, .org, and .info proxies, and since I am not admin, i cannot install a computer based proxy. Any advice (or just write me off, scold me and threaten to tell my mother )