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Main » 2008»July»25 » Operation B.A.S.I.C.G.A.M.E.S.Y.S.T.E.M.S. Update: Proof of Too Many Shooters
Operation B.A.S.I.C.G.A.M.E.S.Y.S.T.E.M.S. Update: Proof of Too Many Shooters
2:25 PM
I've Recently Descovered THis Guy Called "THe Gaming Historian" Not a Bad Guy By Any Means But They're One Episode "The Video game Crash of 1983" That I'm Annoyed At But Just At The Start, The Little Bit At The Start, At The Start, He Was Talking About How Big the Gaming Industry Today Is and Y'now what Footage he used, Shooters, That's It, JUST, shooters, Nothing Else, Just... Shooters... THIS IS PROOVES THAT THEY ARE TOO MANY SHOOTERS THESE DAYS!
yeah theres too many shooters so what? noone cares. And also there is starcraft,diablo,stonghold,Gran Turismo,simcity, the sims 2,worms 4 mayhem,warcraft,Galactic civilizations,ORION 2,heroes of might and magic 5,civilization,need for speed ... I could go on forever...But i agree that theresd too many shooters