Phew, I spent hours on the game, it was alot of hastle, but in the end it's worth it, the game works perfectly with the exception of a few glitches, which can be easily fixed Changes to the new version: Video Intro For Gamerstorm (Don't Worry, It's Skipable) "Spam" Glitch Removed, as in, the glitch where you keep holding down space and youre score keeps going up in a matter of nano-seconds, well, that's fixed now, but hopefully, most of the chatoic and fast gameplay is still there. An actual ending (using the same text dialog thing as the prologe (spelling) did) 9 Tracks, 4 Being Differant Version Of The Doom Theme, and the other 5 are Different songs that fit in with the action (Hopefully) 1 of which is, you could say, a 'Secret" Song, Which Doesn't Play As Often As The Others. So, Yeah, At Least For Me, This Is Great News! Cobra!