Just thought I'd make this, it didn't take too long, it's basicly a currency translator (Cruncredits is the Cruncrarian currency (as descovered by me and CARBUNCLES!!!)), with a differance, you get to shoot the Cruncanite to translate again. Anyway, I'm gonna work on a Cruncrarian Translator, that's gonna take a while, but I know this kinda thing can and has been done before, because I once saw a German translator on scratch, the only thing is, Cruncrarian's MUCH harder to learn (Trust me, a fellow Rossi Comrade at Team Virtua Ross has studied it for 14 years, and STILL can't speak it fluently, that's how hard it is!), but with a little help from Rossi Comrades and people who have picked up a bit of cruncrarian, I'll manage!
So Anyway, Here's the Cruncrarian Cruncredits Translator:
Yeah, I know, it's the image version, but for some reason when I put the applet version, it only showed the "Learn More about this project" Link, sorry, guys, not my fault!