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Main » 2009»November»2 » Rossi Files Delayed (or possibly canceled) Due to Vista Failure
Rossi Files Delayed (or possibly canceled) Due to Vista Failure
12:56 PM
As you might already know, there were two rossi files were on their way, one about the kruncanites and another about PSA robots. but im sorry to inform my fellow comrades that the rossi files have been canceled! windows Vista has rendered the microphone disabled and it no longer works. there is no known soluton to the problem and i can no longer do the vioceover. apperently Microsoft have did this to stop copyright and have locked the microphone feature. DAMN THOSE RETARDS AT MICROSOFT!!!! i am now stuck with a half-devlepoped rossi file waiting to be finished and another ready to be made but no voiceover. I need a way to get the mic feature working so i an complete these long awaited rossi files. If you got any ideas please tell me...
The problem is i can't get both the mic and sound card both in a "working" state. if mark the sound card the mic will become "unavailable" and will not work. i need a way for both to work but there is no possible way and no one has found a way to fix the problem...
unless the voice changer only works with the mic and isn't a seprate program, what I would do is record with a camera, put it onto your computer, and use format factory to convert it to MP3, and use the voice changer and do the rest, wthat should do it!