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Main » 2011 » May » 22 » The Rossies 2 Demo is now available for download.
The Rossies 2 Demo is now available for download. |
3:50 PM |
It's definitely been a while since someone posted here, or since anything has happened for that matter, what happened, the site's been dead for like 2 years, ah well, I might as well post it anyway.
After a month of trying to publish it, the Rossies 2 demo is out now and available for download! I finally fixed the problem I was having.
By this point, most of yous are starting to think I'm bluffing about all this and that I'm not actually making a game, but this demo should hopefully prove that I HAVE done something. Ok, sure, it took a hell of a long time, and it may not be worth it in the end, but at least it'll prove that I've been working on something, and that I'm not just sitting on my A*se all day playing video games.
Please keep in mind however, this demo is to showcase the gameplay and how much faster it is, the graphics haven't changed much, only the shotgun, I'm going to release another demo with the improved graphics closer to the full game's release.
To play the demo, go to the Gamerstorm Website at http://www.gamer-storm.co.nr and click on the Rossies 2 logo, then click on "Demo", but remember to read the instructions first, or you can click here: http://www.gamerstorm.elementfx.com/Rossies 2/Rossies 2 Demo 0.5.zip
Category: Announcements | Views: 2076 | Added by: Cobrassecondaccount | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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