The Mainstreamers Surprisingly knew they f*cked up, so they're already planning on a NEXT generation, WTF!? and Guess What, they might be calling the PS4, the Entertainment Station, FOR REAL! HOK Heard this from a Bring Back the PS1 Forum (If only he'd remember the link...) and I even Called it that for a Joke, Same With Xbox 720, Guess What IT Actually IS gonna be the Xbox 720, and I predicted the next Nintendo Console Would Be Puu, or Wii2, but uess What, IT MIGHT BE THE WII2, WTF!? WHERE'S THE F*CKING IMAGINATION!? NEXT GEN WIL BE POINTLESS! Nothing Fresh, Nothiong Origonal, I'm gonna Buy a PS1 and Stick To THat For Life, and Maybe Get the 64, Staurn, Jaguar, Dreamcast, Gamecube, Xbox (Normal), and Game Boy Colour! Next Gen Will be in 2011 or 2012, A Bit of a Rush, Right?
So The Next Gen Will BE F*cking Bad, VERY BAD! All Consoles Will Suck!